My Crosswords


3. New York is home to ________ and Americans have a rich theatrical history.
5. Americans celebrate their independence on July 4, Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday in May, honors those who have died in military service Labor Day, observed on the first Monday in September, celebrates country’s workforce. Thanksgiving, another distinctive American ________,falls on the fourth Thursday in November and dates back to colonial times to celebrate the harvest.
6. They play ______________ not soccer.
8. Why do I love listening to __________.
10. American favorite drink is ___________.
1. American family prefer their children ________ and live by themselves.
2. American ____________is not so healthy.
4. Nearly every known ________ is practiced in the United States, which was founded on the basis of religious freedom.
7. The expression __________is money is the keyword.
9. It is possible to see the _________ in the winter.

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